29 October, 2021


The government did an excellent job in the early stages of the Covid 19 Pandemic when no one really knew what was happening and where it would go. Moving fast with the lock down and the provision of support such as the Wage subsidy provided the immediate means to allow time for the long term situation to become clearer, and a plan for the future developed. Unfortunately they are failing to provide certainty and a way ahead. We have no time to waste as it is generally recognised that the next year is going to be extremely difficult with rising unemployment, increasing debt and bigger social issues. 


1.  Not ordering the vaccine early enough.

2. Not involving G.P's from the beginning as primary vaccinators. They know their communities and many of the problems we now have in ramping up the roll out stem from this. 

3. The shambles of MIQ. There is no excuse for this. See "Isolation facilities - the cruise ship solution" We could have had over 25,000 people (50,000 with 2 ships) through this by now with 14 days residence and could double that with fully vaccinated people having a test 7 days prior to departure, 1 day before departure, 7 nights cruise ship isolation, and 5 days home isolation. It is totally possible to organise a regular flow of 3 cohorts of 200 per week with complete packages of flights from major international cities and isolation.

4.  Not introducing  quick answer 'spit', and rapid antigen testing.

5.  Not providing an alternative to Pfizer, provding the alternative has the same efficacy.

6.  Not building up the hospital capacity including ICU units



1. Recognise that the new normal will be very different to the 'old' normal! 

2. Make sure that vaccinations are available in all parts of the country immediately. More campervans with vaccinating facilities are the answer in remote regions on specific days with participants organised by local G.P's and marae.

3. Strengthen the border around infected areas (Auckland and allow more freedom within it. Step 3 of the current system allowing retail to open under strict health conditions should be functional now. Vaccinations would be mandatory for inter island travel and a fast test (answers within 20 minutes) should be mandatory at airports for inter island flights and ferry terminals. Check in would only need to be an extra 30 minutes prior to travel. No negative test - no travel!  We need to slow the spread to other parts of the country as much as possible.

4. Auckland and Waikato to move to Traffic light red as soon as 90% of the population have had their first dose and a reservation for their 2nd dose and no later than 01 December. We will be so close to the target that the difference will be minimal.

5. Returning passengers from low risk countries should have a test 8 days prior to boarding a flight, another test, 2 days prior and a fast answer test at the airport prior to boarding and not allowed to board until proof that all are negative. Self isolation at home is risky so make available apartment hotel blocks where people can be completely isolated and self cater for 7 days on arrival with spot health checks. Costs would be vastly lower and the system much safer than going home. This system would free up MIQ beds hugely and allow more travel for those travelling for business and social reasons. Self isolating people with covid at home is hugely dangerous unless they are the sole occupant of the house/apartment.

6. Make it very plain to those in MIQ facilities that if they do abscond they will be made famous within 1 hour with photographs and names on all media to assist in tracking anyone they meet



It has been obvious for years that so much of the vaunted GDP 'growth' was based on creating greed and a desire for things that we did not need based on a very unstable foundation of debt. The day of reckoning has arrived!. We have exploited the planet, damaged our relationships, and created our social dysfunction.

We need to do a radical reset of society and it will be painful.  

We need to rediscover and implement the great values of Responsibility (for ourselves and others), respect (for ourselves and others), resilience, and quality relationships.

There are four basic needs that every human has: food, clothing, shelter, and peace of mind. It is the responsibility of government to ensure that every person has access to the first 3 at least. It is also the responsibilty of each individual and family to be self sustaining if possible.The fourth comes into the spiritual dimension.

"If every man and every woman chose their partner carefully, committed to each other for life, and brought up children in that nurturing, caring, and positive role model environment at least 70% of our social problems would be fixed and the cost of running government will reduce by at least $10 billion a year! We need to re-establish the primacy of the traditional family of father (male), mother (female), and children, designed by God and built into our DNA at creation.

We need to rediscover the creators culture that provides us with all the guidance we need for healthy, happy, harmonious, flourishing societies.

29 October, 2021

To vaxx or not to vaxx - a question vexing many. What are our responsibilities as well as our rights? Where do conspiracy theories and false information come from? Is there a spiritual dimension to this question?

We need first of all to deal with the here and now. We are caught in a major pandemic which is still raging around the world and there are many unknowns about the future course of the pandemic.

The evidence (facts, science) is overwhelming that the Pfizer vaccine provides a high measure of protection against (a) getting Covid and (b) reducing the severity if we do get it. The evidence of the last few weeks where the vast majority of those being hospitalised in New Zealand and overseas have not been vaccinated should be sufficient evidence for the doubters. 

I believe everyone eligible should be vaccinated as soon as possible. Everyone owes it to themselves to minimise your chances of getting the disease, and its severity if you do.

Everyone owes it to others to minimise the chance of your getting Covid and passing it on to someone else. 

Everyone owes it to others to help ensure that we can allow work and social activities to return to as high a level of activity as possible as quickly as possible. 

Everyone owes it to the totally stretched health workers and hospitals to do all possible not to need their services and deny others the opportunity to have their medical needs met for surgeries etc.

It's quick, it's easy, it's free! Just do it.

Is there a spiritual dimension to this?

Is there a conspiracy to take over the world? Absolutely.  But not by the usually named culprits. Satan is just as real as God. He is determined to try and usurp the place of Jesus Christ and he knows that his time is short before God is going to bring human history as we know it to a close. Pandemics are one of the 30 signs Jesus told us to watch out for to show that human history is coming to its end. Most of the other signs are now evident as well. (See: Will this world as we know it end?).

The Bible tells us in the book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation of the final part of human history when there will be a time of great economic, social, medical, and environmental chaos and turmoil, One third of humanity will be killed by famine, disease, and war. There will be an epidemic of false news! Out of the chaos will come a charismatic leader who will persuade the masses to follow him as he promises them utopia and leads them to hell. The time will come when people who follow Jesus will be unable to buy and sell and great persecution will take place.  We are not there yet.

Too many people waste an enormous amount of nervous energy trying to determine who the Beast, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet portrayed in Daniel and Revelation are. Jesus made it very plain to his followers  that he was not going to tell them when the time of the end would be but simply promised his followers that he would come back and get them to take them to his home and our responsibility is to be ready at any time. 

Is the much greater level of government control in masking, lockdowns, the reducing of human interaction, and huge debts being piled up leading into this chaos? I do not know. Maybe, maybe not. It should definitely be taken as a warning that God is not to be trifled with..

In my view we deal with the present and get vaccinated and obey the rules to stamp covid out again if possible. (And yes, I had both jabs in July). There is absolutely no credible evidence that the vaccine is part of any plot.

But we also need to think  of the deeper issues and be prepared for darker times ahead. Anyone who recognises that there is only one God comprised of the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit and puts their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour has eternal life.  Jesus died so that we could have everlasting life and live in his home forever. He gives us peace in this life and certainty for the next. He gives you the invitation to become a child of God and citizen of his perfect kingdom. If you accept the invitation then relax and know that God is in control and working his purposes out. We don't need to fret.

Letter sent to Letters to the Editor of the New Zealand Herald but not published.

Brian Tamaki and his followers need to do more Bible study.  Romans chapter 13 specifically states (abridged)
"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. Anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. You must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience".

There is nothing in being vaccinated or wearing masks which goes against the supreme authority of God. On the contrary it is the fulfillment of very biblical principles to take responsibility for ourselves and others and show respect to ourselves and others. Get vaccinated and wear your masks folk to minimise the chances of catching covid and the harm if you do, to minimise the chances of anyone in your family catching it, and also reduce the strain on our stretched health system. "Do unto others as you would have them do to you". "Love your neighbour as you love yourself".

To anyone saying that they don't need the vaccine but trust God to protect them I would say that the pandemic comes from Satan, as does all evil. God gave the scientists the brains to develop a vaccine and he expects us to use it. 

This story has been around for years but bears repeating

" A man went swimming, got into trouble and started drowning. He cried to God for rescue. A paddle boarder turned up and offered to take him to shore. The drowning man refused, adamant that he was waiting for God, Same thing happened when a launch turned up, and then the  coastguard. In the end the man drowned. When he met God he asked why God had not rescued him when he called for help. The reply from God was. "I sent a paddle boarder, launch, and coastguard - what more did you want". I never cease to be amazed at the partnership God wants with his people!

He gave us brains to use for good, and a conscience, and sense of responsibiity.


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